MALIBU ART ASSOCIATION, INC THE MALIBU ART ASSOCIATION, INC WAS FOUNDED IN 1963 by Marjorie M Knowles, a local malibu artist THE MALIBU ART ASSOCIATION'S MISSION IS TO SUPPORT, INSPIRE AND DEVELOP THE ART SPIRIT IN ALL OF US. MAA is a nonprofit organization made up of a fellowship of artists dedicated to art appreciation, education and community service. The Art in Public Places Program exhibits art, by Malibu members, at many public and private venues throughout Malibu. The organization offers demonstrations and workshops for future artists in the community and gallery shows to display and sell member art. Paint Outs at local scenic areas are arranged. MAA awards a SCHOLARSHIP yearly to a graduating high school senior with plans to continue their education in art. MAA donates 2 ART BOOKS yearly to the Malibu Public Library. MAA looks forward to promoting Art and Educational Service to the Malibu Community and welcomes new members.